Missy’s work as writer/producer for Outcast Productions
Outcast Productions
As a theatre company that focuses on producing "theatre with a social conscience," we strive to bring to our audience, productions that encourage critical thinking about the social issues of our time. Our goal is to provoke a dialogue about such issues as oppression, human rights, politics and the psychological and emotional worlds of human beings at large.
We welcome the opportunity to earn the trust of the community and deliver a product that serves and includes them.

“Spontaneous, fast-paced, titillating, fun... I wish my SEX were this good!"
— Connan O'Brien
“As sex, it's hot. As theatre, it's cool"
— John Patrick Shanley
by Missy Hargraves, Lauren Howard and Harry Maurer
(based on the book by Harry Maurer ' Sex, Real People Talk About What They Really Do")
The American Plan
directed by Fred Sanders
written by Richard Greenberg
by Wendy MacLeod, directed by Richard Caliban
with Kevin Drane, Missy Hargraves, Jennie Israel, Ken Marks, Leo Marks, Sean Runnette,Kenneth P. Strong, John Wellmann
26 dates...and counting
by Garth Wingfield, directed by Stacy Shane
with Michael Anderson, Missy Hargraves, Karin Sibrava, Taylor Ruckel